Please write in to the Registry and include details of the patent application in question together with a brief summary of the invention, mitigating factors and your contact information. You may like to note that submission could only be made via
FormSG. Select request relating to Patents (P) > Composition of Offence > Upload attachment relating to your National Security Contravention submission.
Your submission should include:
- Application number, date of filing and country of filing;
- Details of the applicants, inventors and any other person involved in the filing. Please include details such as all parties’ names, addresses and country of residency at the time of filing;
- Circumstance for contravention (the mitigating factors submitted should be made in relation to the applicant(s), inventor(s) and/or person involved in the filing who is a Singapore resident);
- Measures that have been put in place to prevent future contravention;
- Contact information for IPOS to get in touch with for any clarifications.
The Registrar may, after considering the facts of the case, compound the offence not exceeding $2,000, and no further proceedings will be taken against you.