PF1 | Request for the Grant of a Patent | S$170 |
PF2 | Reference to Registrar on Determination of Entitlement to Patent Before or After Grant | S$450
NA | Application for Authorisation by Registrar to Carry out Act on Behalf of Person to whom Directions were Given | S$50 |
NA | Request for Directions on Handling of Dispute Between Joint Applicants | S$450 |
NA | Reference to Registrar to determine the question of a licence | S$450 |
NA | Application for information on corresponding applications for patent
| S$100 |
PF7 | Application to Add and/or Remove Inventors | S$450 |
PF8 | Statement of Inventorship and of Right to Grant of Patent | No fee |
PF9 | Request for Early Publication | S$50 |
PF10 | Request for Search Report or Supplementary | S$1,735 |
PF11 | Request for Search and Examination Report (a) In a case where the International Search Report/International Preliminary Report has been established by IPOS (for PCT application entering national phase)
| S$1,750 plus S$40 for each claim over 20 |
| | S$2,050 plus S$40 for each claim over 20 claims |
PF11A | Furnishing of Prescribed Details | No Fee |
A request for Patent Prosecution Highway is no longer available via Patents Form 11B. Please disregard Part 7 of the form | Furnishing of Prescribed Information | No Fee |
PF11C | Notice of Intention to Rely on International Preliminary Report on Patentability | No Fee |
PF12 | Request for Examination Report | S$1,420 plus S$40 for each claim over 20 |
PF12A | Request for Supplementary Examination Report | No Fee |
PF12B | Request for an Examination Review Report with the Request to Amend Application Before Grant | S$1,420 |
PF13 | Request to Amend Application Before Grant | No Fee |
PF13A | Response to Written Opinion | No Fee |
PF14 | Payment of Fee for Grant of Patent | |
| (a) Where the application for a patent is lodged before 14 February 2014 and has a date of filing before 1 July 2004 | S$170 |
| (b) Where the application for a patent is lodged on or after 14 February 2014 and has a date of filing before 1 July 2004
| S$210 plus
i) S$40 for each claim over 20 that is in excess of what was paid at the point of filing a request for Search and Examination Report or Examination Report; or
ii) S$40 for each claim over 20, for applications relying on a Supplementary Examination Report. |
| (c) Where the application for a patent has a date of filing on or after 1 July 2004 |
PF15 | Payment of Renewal Fee and Any Additional Fee | |
| Renewal Fee (a) For each year of renewal in respect of the 5th, 6th or 7th year of the patent
| S$165 |
| (b) For each year of renewal in respect of the 8th, 9th or 10th year of the patent
| S$430 |
| (c) For each year of renewal in respect of the 11th, 12th or 13th year of the patent
| S$600 |
| (d) For each year of renewal in respect of the 14th, 15th or 16th year of the patent
| S$775 |
| (e) For each year of renewal in respect of the 17th, 18th or 19th year of the patent
| S$945 |
| (f) For renewal of the 20th year of the patent
| S$1,120 |
| (g) For each year of renewal after the 20th year of the patent
| S$1,380 |
| Additional Fee (a) For late payment of renewal fee not exceeding one month
| S$50 |
| (b) For late payment of renewal fee for each succeeding month (but not exceeding 6 months)
| S$100 |
PF17 | Application Amend Specification After Grant | S$1,250 |
PF19 | Application for Restoration of Patent | S$500 |
PF20 | Payment of Additional Fee and Renewal Fee for Restoration of Patent | S$300 plus |
| (a) For each year of renewal in respect of the 5th, 6th or 7th year of the patent
| S$165 |
| (b) For each year of renewal in respect of the 8th, 9th or 10th year of the patent
| S$430 |
| (c) For each year of renewal in respect of the 11th, 12th or 13th year of the patent
| S$600 |
| (d) For each year of renewal in respect of the 14th, 15th or 16th year of the patent
| S$775 |
| (e) For each year of renewal in respect of the 17th, 18th or 19th year of the patent
| S$945 |
| (f) For renewal of the 20th year of the patent
| S$1,120 |
| (g) For each year of renewal after the 20th year of the patent
| S$1,380 |
PF28 | Application for Entry to be Made, or for Cancellation of Entry, in Register to Effect that Licences under Patent are to be Available as of Right | S$40
NA | Application for Settlement of Terms of Licence of Right | S$380 |
NA | Reference to Registrar of Dispute as to Infringement | S$280 |
NA | Application for Declaration of Non-Infringement | S$280 |
NA | Application for Information on Corresponding Applications for Patent | S$100 |
PF35 | Application for Revocation of Patent | S$500
PF36 | (a) Request for Re-examination of Patent in Response to Direction of Registrar
(b) Request for Re-examination after Grant | S$900
PF37 | Entry into National Phase | S$210 |
PF38 | Payment of Fee for Publication of Translation of International Application and/ or any Amendment to International Application
(Applicable for national phase entry made before 29 April 2022) | S$70 |
NA | Application to Registrar for International Application to be Treated as Application under Act | S$160 |
NA | Payment of Additional Fee for Advertisement of Proposed Correction | NA |
PF45/46/47 | Request for Extension of Time or Period | |
| For an application for a patent lodged before 14 February 2014 (a) Request under rule 108(3)
| S$200 for each time or period, and each month or part of a month |
| (b) Request under rule 108(4) or (4A)
| S$200 |
| (c) Payment of additional fee under 108(6)
| S$200 for each time or period, and each month or part of a month |
| For an application for a patent lodged on or after 14 February 2014 (a) Request under rule 108(3) or (4)
| S$200 for each time or period, and each month or part of a month |
| (b) Request under rule 108(5)
| S$200 for each time or period, and each month or part of a month |
NA | Payment of Transmittal Fee under Patent Co‑operation Treaty | S$150 |
NA | Request for Certificate Authorising Release of Sample of Micro-organism | NA |
NA | Notice of Intention to Restrict Availability of Samples of Micro-organisms to Experts | NA |
NA | Notice of objection to Release of Sample of Micro-organism to Expert | S$100 |
| Renewal Fee (a) For each year of renewal in respect of the 5th, 6th or 7th year of the patent
| S$82.50 |
| (b) For each year of renewal in respect of the 8th, 9th or 10th year of the patent
| S$215 |
| (c) For each year of renewal in respect of the 11th, 12th or 13th year of the patent
| S$300 |
| (d) For each year of renewal in respect of the 14th, 15th or 16th year of the patent
| S$387.50 |
| (e) For each year of renewal in respect of the 17th, 18th or 19th year of the patent
| S$472.50 |
| (f) For renewal of the 20th year of the patent
| S$560 |
| (g) For each year of renewal after the 20th year of the patent
| S$690 |
| Additional Fee (a) For late payment of renewal fee not exceeding one month
| S$50 |
| (b) For late payment of renewal fee for each succeeding month (but not exceeding 6 months)
| S$100 |
PF54 | Application for Extension of Term of Patent | S$950
PF56 | Filing of Drawing(s), Description or Part of Description | No Fee Submission via FormSG |
PF57 |
Addition, Correction or Late Declaration of Priority (a) For declaration under rule 9(2) or request under rule 9(3)
(b) For request under rule 9A(2)
PF58 |
Notice of Opposition – (a) To an application under section 24
(b) To an amendment of a specification after grant (c) To an application under section 54(1) or (3) for cancellation of an entry in the register (d) To the correction of an error, clerical error or mistake |
S$480 S$90
CM1 | Request to Appoint or Change Agent
Notice of Intention to Cease to Act as Agent | No Fee |
CM2 (Only e-filing available) | Request to Change Name or Other Particular of Any Person
For the correction of name or other particular of any person, please file Form CM4. | No Fee |
CM3 | Request to Surrender Patent | No Fee |
CM4 | Request for Correction of Error (a) For the correction of form, correction of register of Patents, or correction of documents other than form or specification of a patent or of an application for a patent
(b) For the correction of error in name or other particular of a person in the register or other document
(c) For the correction of specification of a patent or of an application for a patent
| S$50 S$50
CM6 | Application to Register, Amend or Terminate Licence | S$60 per application number |
CM7 | Application to Register, Amend or Terminate Security Interest | S$50 per application number |
CM8 | Application to Register Transfer of Ownership | S$70 per application number |
CM9 | Request for Withdrawal of Application | No Fee |
CM10 | Request for File Inspection | S$30
NA | Application to Record Order of Court | NA You can upload your request via the "Order of Court" form on IPOS Digital Hub. |
NA | Assent by personal representatives
| You can upload your request via the "Assent of Personal Representatives" form on IPOS Digital Hub.
Assent by Personal Representatives (184KB)
Assent by Personal Representatives (312KB)
CM12 | Request for Certified Copy of Entry in Register or Certified Extract from Register/ Request for Certified Document Relating to Patent or Application for Patent (a) For certificate in electronic form (i.e. soft copy)
(b) For certificate in paper form (i.e. hard copy)
| S$28 per copy
S$35 per copy |
HC1 | Hearing and decision | S$1,000
HC3 | Request for Extension of Time (a) first extension of that period
(b) second or subsequent extension of that period
| No Fee for 1st Request S$120 for each Subsequent Request
HC4 | Request for Ex Parte Hearing (Hearing at which Only the Party Making the Request is Present) | S$100
HC5 | Request for Grounds of Decision | S$700
HC6 | Counter-Statement | S$360