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How to Register Plant Variety Rights
Read on for more information on the registration process – including registration criteria, application options, forms and fees.
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How to register
Read on for more information on the registration process – including registration criteria, application options and forms and fees.
Here is a quick example of the registration process. Your registration process may vary, depending on your application requirements or if there are opposition proceedings.

*Your registration timeline may vary according to application requirements or opposition proceedings
The details of each stage of the registration process can be found below.
Step 1: Check registration criteria for a plant variety right
Before you apply to register for plant variety protection, please ensure that it is eligible for registration. The new plant variety must meet the following criteria in order to enjoy protection:
New – The variety has not been sold or disposed of, by or with the consent of the breeder:
Earlier than 1 year before the date of application in Singapore where the sale or disposal is made in Singapore; and
Where the sale or disposal is made outside of Singapore, earlier than 4 years before the date of application (6 years in the case of trees or vines)
Distinct – The variety is clearly distinguishable from other varieties whose existence is a matter of common knowledge at the time of filing of the application. A variety that is of common knowledge does not have to be a protected variety.
Uniform – The variety is sufficiently uniform in its relevant characteristics, subject to the variation that may be expected from the particular features of its propagation.
Stable – The relevant characteristics of the variety remain unchanged after repeated propagation or, in the case of a particular cycle of propagation, at the end of each such cycle.
Denomination – A denomination is the distinguishing name or identification for the plant variety. The breeder of the new variety has to propose a suitable denomination as its generic designation for approval. Some denominations are not acceptable, for example:
Denominations with numbers only
Misleading or confusing denominations
Denominations that are contrary to public policy or morality
Denominations confused with trade mark
Step 2: Apply for a plant variety right
Applying for plant variety protection in Singapore
If you wish to apply for plant variety protection, you should do it at the earliest opportunity as the system in Singapore operates on a first-to-file basis (the first person to file an application will, in general, have priority over others for the same plant variety).
Singapore, is a member of the UPOV Convention , so if you have a corresponding application filed earlier in a UPOV Convention member country, you may claim priority from this first-filed application within 12 months from the date of the first filing. Similarly, if your application is first filed in Singapore, it can be used to claim priority in a corresponding application filed in a UPOV Convention member country, provided that the corresponding application is filed within 12 months from the date of the first-filed Singapore application.
To file your application, you must complete the application form and the technical questionnaire and submit these documents with your payment to IPOS.
You may also refer to the submission guidelines below.
Filing photographs
The following images are required:
Close-up picture of a single flower (attached to inflorescence; taken against a scale ruler)
Close-up picture of a single inflorescence (attached to plant; taken against a scale ruler);
A picture of the whole plant (taken against a standard 30cm ruler); and
Any other picture(s) of the plant or part(s) of plant that will distinguish the variety from other varieties.
The representative colour photographs of the variety must meet the following criteria:
The photographs (maximum of five representations) should measure at least 15cm x 10cm;
The size of the image or object in question should cover as much area of the photograph as possible;
Printed photographs should have a non-glossy, matt finish;
Instant photographs taken with a polaroid camera are not acceptable
Photographs should be taken against a dark or black background, in sufficient light to prevent or minimise distortion to the natural colour of the plant or part(s) of the plant;
Printed photographs are to be submitted in a water-proof envelope or bag; and
Photographs must be clearly labelled with the Applicant's name, Contact Number, Proposed Denomination of the new variety, and Date of Application.
Application process for plant variety protection

Applying for plant variety protection outside of Singapore
Protection for plant varieties is territorial in nature.
If you wish to obtain protection in countries other than Singapore, you will need to file separate applications in each of these countries as there is no international registration system for plant varieties protection.
Step 3: Forms and fees for new applications
Forms pertaining to the Registry of Plant Varieties Protection shall be filed via FormSG only.
Please provide your email address and Singapore contact number in your submission so that we can provide you with the payment instructions.
Payment shall be made via IPOS Digital Hub's payment platform. You can expect to receive payment instructions via email within 3 working days after we receive your submission.
Unless otherwise stated, the form shall be treated as filed only when the form, requisite fees and all attachments (if any) are received by IPOS.
General forms
List of general forms
Description | Fee | Plant Varieties Protection Form | |
1 | Request to change the name and/or address of an applicant for a grant of protection | S$20 | |
2. | Filing of a notice of appointment of, substitution of or cessation to act as procedural representative | S$8.50 | |
3. | Application for grant of protection under section 13 of the Act | S$1,600 | |
4. | Application to amend an application for a grant of protection | S$40 | |
5. | Notice of withdrawal of application for grant of protection under section 19 of the Act | NIL | |
6. | Filing of a notice of objection | S$340 | |
7. | Filing of a counter-statement | S$325 | |
8. | Attending hearing and obtaining decision | S$650 | |
9. | Request for examination by Examiner under section 17 of the Act | S$20 | |
10. | (a) Request to submit examination report by an Examiner in any UPOV member other than Singapore | S$20 | |
(b) Request to rely on examination report by an Examiner in any UPOV member other than Singapore | S$570 | ||
11. | (a) Payment of annual fee and submission of information under section 24(3) of the Act | S$150 | |
(b) Payment of late fee under section 24(4) of the Act – | S$15 | ||
(ii) within 2 months but after one month after that anniversary; | S$45 | ||
(iii)within 3 months but after 2 months after that anniversary; | S$75 | ||
(iv) within 4 months but after 3 months after that anniversary; | S$105 | ||
(v) within 5 months but after 4 months after that anniversary; or |
| ||
(vi) within 6 months but after 5 months after that anniversary | S$165 | ||
12. | Application to register particulars of a transaction or matter affecting rights in a grant of protection | S$80 | |
13. | Application for the cancellation of a grant of protection | No Fee | |
14. | Notice of renunciation of a grant of protection | No Fee | |
15. | Request for an extension of time | S$30 | |
16. | Application for a certified copy of an entry in the Register or a certified extract from the Register under section 40(3) of the Act | S$40 | |
17. | Filing of an order, declaration or certificate of the Court with the Registrar (other than in relation to an application under PVP 12 or PVP 13) | S$80 | |
18. | Request for publication of matters under section 15(i) | S$100 | |
19. | Inspection of register under section 40(2)of the Act for each search per file | S$6 | NIL |
20. | GST Form (wef 1 Apr 2017) | NIL |
Technical questionnaires
List of forms
Description | Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority Forms | |
1. | Technical Questionnaire Baicai Xiaobaicai | |
2. | Technical Questionnaire Caixin | |
3. | Technical Questionnaire Dendrobium | |
4. | Technical Questionnaire Mokara | |
5. | Technical Questionnaire Phalaenopsis | |
6. | Technical Questionnaire Renantanda | |
7. | Technical Questionnaire Aranda | |
8. | Technical Questionnaire Aranthera | |
9. | Technical Questionnaire Vanda | |
10. | Technical Questionnaire Anubias | |
11. | Technical Questionnaire Oncidium | |
12. | Technical Questionnaire Limnophilla | |
13. | Technical Questionnaire Jatropha curcas | |
14. | Technical Questionnaire Rice | |
15. | Technical Questionnaire Template |
Forms and procedures for other requests
Table of processes for other requests
Description | Fee |
You are advised to check your forms carefully before submitting them. | Submit your request via FormSG. |