Reference these materials for more information on trade marks, as well as detailed work manual chapters to help you understand our trade mark examination practices.
Trade marks legislation
Please refer to the Trade Marks Act and Trade Marks Rules, which can be accessed from Singapore Statutes Online. Please refer to other relevant trade mark legislations here.
Trade marks guides
Sample statutory declaration to file evidence of use [PDF, 181 KB]
Sample document for translation and transliteration [PDF, 124 KB]
Trade marks work manual
Chapter 6 - Evidence of Distinctiveness Acquired Through Use [PDF, 328 KB]
Chapter 7 - Relative Grounds for Refusal of Registration [PDF, 861 KB]
Chapter 9 - Marks Contrary to Public Policy or to Morality [PDF, 223 KB]
Chapter 10 - Names and Representation of Famous People, Fictional Characters, etc [PDF, 225 KB]
Chapter 11 - Other Grounds for Refusal of Application [PDF, 237 KB]
Chapter 18 - Classification of Goods and Services [PDF, 349 KB]
Chapter 20 - International applications where Singapore is the office of origin [PDF, 334 KB]